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cinsel eğitim sezon 4 abbi My wife and I broke up after five years of being together. The only reason this relationship lasted so long was because of those hot nights we had. We didn’t normally get along at all. The only thing we could agree on was sex. We couldn’t agree on everything except sex, we were constantly arguing, and eventually these arguments wore us down and we got divorced. I had never seen him for more than a month after the divorce. It wasn’t that I didn’t miss those hot nights we had, but it was over now. I was a furniture maker. One day a phone call came and a customer called. He had a kitchen cabinet job, and I went to take measurements at the address given. I was shocked when I went to the given address. My ex-wife welcomed me. It turns out that the closet I’m going to make will be in his house. I was very surprised, but hiding my surprise, I focused on my work. While taking measurements on the one hand, on the other hand, my ex-wife and I started talking. After chatting for a while, I couldn’t bear to say that I miss those nights I lived with you. I’m never going to lie to my ex-wife, so I miss those nights, so I let go of the meter and started to snuggle up to my ex-wife and clung to her lips. After a little kissing, my ex-wife took me to the bedroom, saying let’s go to bed at night. After undressing each other by making love standing up, we went to bed.

My ex-wife, who took my dick in her hand, started licking it, saying that I miss it so much. It was obvious from his appetizing licking that he really missed a lot. After licking for a while, I haven’t been fucking for a month, I was so horny, he lay down on the bed, saying fuck me anymore. I started to lick it by clinging to that pussy I was longing for. It was just like in the old days. After enjoying licking her pussy for a while, I got inside and started fucking. as I did go and come in, my ex-wife was saying, this is great, I love you. I was driving both myself and my ex-wife crazy with pleasure by processing her beautiful pussy almost like a machine. Then my ex-wife took control and came out on my lap and started rubbing and jumping on my lap. After jumping for a while, I had reached the peaks of pleasure and I said I was going to cum from my lap. What will happen next on this, I’m your ex-wife, I think I had an incredible relief by emptying myself into my love. We haven’t remarried since then, but we continue to fuck from time to time. Dec.

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