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asyalı porno siyah My aunts moved to our city last year.They come and go to us often.One day when they arrived, my aunt caught me watching Turkish porn on my computer.You come right up to me and say you care, you’re not ashamed, he said.While bending over me and getting angry, my eye slipped to my aunt’s breasts on the one hand.Just when he was angry at me, he said get up from that table, you naughty.I said, auntie, I can’t get up.I got up from the table, my aunt went into shock, froze.Because I was 31 at the time, my dick was out, and I think the biggest cock my aunt had ever seen in her whole life was my dick.He said, come here and let me see you.He took my dick in his hand and started stroking it.Immediately i’m coming, saying don’t disappear anywhere.He went to the living room next to my mother, I could hear their voices.I caught your boy watching an inappropriate movie.But don’t be angry, Nihan, your child is too old, he said if you want, I’ll talk to him.He came back to my room and locked the door.He said open it.He bent down and took my cock in his mouth and started sucking.He said if you don’t tell anyone, I’ll give it to you every day, laughing.I pressed his head Decently into my dick, as if to say shut up and lick, he breathed for a while and said that’s what I want.He started to undress, took off his clothes one by one.Her breasts were white and her nipples were pink, I put my aunt to bed on my own.Take off your pants and pussy I started licking.She couldn’t scream because my mother was inside and her sister was inside.but ck was moaning badly.He said stick it out.After he put it in her pussy, her eyes got bigger.He was scratching my back with pleasure as I went and went.While I was fucking, I was licking all over him.I turned her over, and I was shocked when I saw that fat bitch, when I stuck my dick in, her hips touched my crotch and she was making me mad with pleasure.When I started breathing very fast now, it was my mother who knocked on the door at that time.My aunt, we are coming to my mother, sister, we are talking about something dedi.Ve mom’s gone.He said go ahead.I wanted to fuck by slapping her thighs, but I couldn’t make a sound i couldn’t fuck for it.After that day, my aunt started coming to us every evening, especially in the evening, she comes over and gives it to me at the time when my mother is not there and returns to her house.Finally, I convinced my aunt and fucked her in the ass, and that’s when she screamed with pain and pleasure and made the apartment moan.I will tell my aunt that I want to fuck her daughter and offer her a group, and if she accepts, I will write here.

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