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iki sıska gençler 19yo ve 20yo içinde bir sert anal alem Friends, I will tell you about the betrayal I experienced. Four months ago, my boyfriend, who I’ve been with for two years, cheated on me with my cousin Leyla. I caught him having sex with my cousin. When I caught them in that state, I was very upset and left them shouting.

First of all, my boyfriend and I are always having fun and spending a good time. But recently he has become uninterested in me and has begun to cool down. This also attracted my attention, and this time I started to show interest. Since Kerem and I have been together for a long time, we were comfortable with everything. But I was hesitating. The constant arguments and the intervening distances were Decrepit for me. So I started following him after that. I followed it for about a month and what I thought about it was ridiculous. He was usually in and out of the house all the time for a month. I thought it was a normal thing, but when he finally entered the house, I went behind him. I knocked on the door of the house and my cousin Leyla opened the door. I was surprised and Kerem’s top was naked. I was stunned and went inside and started screaming. He couldn’t tell me anything, so I left the house. He ran after me and started telling me things. I got on the bus to my house without listening to him. I cried for days and I was going to avenge the betrayal he had made to me. Somehow, by making a connection, I took my cousin away from him. I made all his friends cold from him, and he was the only one left. I was going to get revenge on him by making a new lover for myself. He was working during the day and comes from work in the evening. I had a spare key to his house and I entered his house with my new boyfriend. My new boyfriend and I started making love around the time he was coming. I was going to make you jealous, but my new boyfriend started robbing me. I was aroused and he pulled his dick out. Because I was sitting on it, he put his cock directly in my pussy and started fucking. While he was fucking me, I took off my clothes because I was sweating and started jumping around naked. We continued to fuck for a long time, and he fucked me by practicing different fantasies. An hour passed, and when the door opened, I saw Kerem in front of me. Dec. I continued to have sex with my lover without paying any attention. I had my revenge on him. Because he closed the door and sat down on the opposite seat and started watching us.

He regretted it, but what he did to me was still on my mind. It was very hard for me that he cheated on me with my own cousin. I still continued to fuck in front of him. I was enjoying it incredibly and every time I screamed I could see the look in their eyes. That’s how I took revenge on him for cheating on me. My new boyfriend and I broke up soon after, and I had both the pleasure and what I wanted.

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